Going Global: Moving Beyond Local Missions

The prevailing notion of ecclesiastical mission is “hands-on mission in my backyard,” which combines the popular desire to do something locally with our wish for hands-on involvement. This type of high-tough localism may have been a good idea before globalization…

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The Leading Edge: Leadership for the Time “After”

The terrorists who struck U.S. soil on September 1 divided our lives into the “before” and “after.” The days that followed were full of terrifying images, incredible human loss, and stunning stories of courage. And as those images, losses, and…

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Ask Alban: Finding the Right Pastor for Your Parish

Q: Our congregation is searching for a new pastor. Out of the pool of available applicants, how do we identify and call the right leadership? We want the best fit possible.  A: The work of the calling committee (or pastoral…

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Followers Wanted: An Antidote to Self-Help

As I browsed through my local Barnes & Noble bookstore recently, thumbing through books that piqued my interest while wondering if it would be too indulgent to get a second Mocha Frappuccino from the attached Starbucks, I found myself lost…

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