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Thank you for subscribing to Alban Weekly. It has been a busy and exciting year for publishing at the Alban Institute. We’ve published more books than ever before. We’ve shipped more copies of books than ever before. The number of people subscribing to Alban Weekly and becoming members continues to grow. We are grateful for the confidence you have shown in our materials as you have engaged with them and shared them with others in your congregations.
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With best wishes for a happy holiday season,
The Alban Weekly Team
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Humble Leadership: Being Radically Open to God’s Guidance and Grace by N. Graham Standish
Read the Foreword and the Preface to the book
Read the articles “Whatever Happened to Humility?” and “Humble Leadership” by N. Graham Standish
Visit to learn more about Humble Leadership
Know and Be Known: Small Groups That Nourish and Connect by Brooke B. Collison
Read the Foreword and the Preface to the book
Read the article “Inviting People into Small Groups” by Brooke B. Collison
Winning Grants to Strengthen Your Ministry by Joy Skjegstad
Read the Foreword and the Preface to the book
Read the article “Winning Grants: The Case for Faith-Based Organizations” by Joy Skjegstad
The Meandering Way: Leading by Following the Spirit by Gary Shockley
Read the Foreword and the Introduction to the book
Read the article “Following the Spirit’s Leading” by Gary Shockley
Visit Gary Shockley’s Web site at
Choosing Partnership, Sharing Ministry: A Vision for New Spiritual Community by Marcia Barnes Bailey
Read the Foreword and the Preface to the book
Read the articles “Border Crossings: Churches Living Boldly into the Future” and “Redefining Power” by Maricia Barnes Bailey
The Honest to God Church: A Pathway to God’s Grace by Doug Bixby
Read the Foreword and the Preface to the book
Read the article “Grace and Graciousness” by Doug Bixby and “Using The Honest to God Church as a Resource for Establishing Small Groups in Your Church”
Read Doug Bixby’s blog at
Byachad: Synagogue Board Development by Robert Leventhal
Read the Introduction to the book
Read the article “The Sy
nagogue Leadership Agenda: Redesigning Boards to Unleash Congregational Energy” by Robert Leventhal
Shaping Spiritual Leaders: Supervision and Formation in Congregations by Abigail Johnson
Read the Foreword and Preface to the book
Read the article “Exploring Learning Narratives” by Abigail Johnson
Tribal Church: Ministering to the Missing Generation by Carol Howard Merritt
Read the Foreword and the Introduction to the book
Read the article “Ministering to the Missing Generation” by Carol Howard Merritt
Read Carol Howard Merritt’s blog at
Healthy Disclosure: Solving Communication Quandaries in Congregations by Kibbie Simmons Ruth and Karen A. McClintock
Read the Foreword and the Introduction to the book
Read the article “Speaking the Truth in Love” by Kibbie Simmons Ruth and Karen A. McClintock
When Moses Meets Aaron: Staffing and Supervision in Large Congregations by Gil Rendle and Susan Beaumont
Read the Introduction to the book
Read “Effective Delegation” by Gil Rendle and Susan Beaumont and “Designing Staff Positions” and “Designing a Staff Team for Ministry” by Susan Beaumont
Church on the Edge of Somewhere: Ministry, Marginality, and the Future by George B. Thompson, Jr.
Read the Foreword to the book
Read the article “Middle of Anywhere” by George B. Thompson, Jr.
If This Is the Way the World Works: Science, Congregations, and Leadership by William O. Avery and Beth Ann Gaede
Read the Preface to the book
Read the article “Self-Organizing Congregations” by William O. Avery and Beth Ann Gaede
Holy Places: Matching Sacred Space with Mission and Message by Nancy DeMott, Tim Shapiro, and Brent Bill
Read the Introduction to the book
Read the articles “Your Building Speaks” by Nancy DeMott, Tim Shapiro, and Brent Bill, “Leaking Gutters and Sacred Spaces: Practical Tips for Facility Repair” by Nancy DeMott and Brent Bill, and “Homegrown Theology: Understanding God in Everyday Life” by Tim Shapiro
Starting Simple: Conversations About the Way We Live by Bob Sitze
Read the Preface to the book
Read the articles “Need-Based Planning versus Asset-Based Planning” and “Brain Science: Coming to a Church near You” by Bob Sitze
In Dying We Are Born: The Challenge and the Hope for Congregations by Peter Bush
Read the Prologue to the book
Read the article “Worship in the Small Church” by Peter Bush and Christine O’Reilly
When God Speaks Through You: How Faith Convictions Shape Preaching and Mission by Craig A. Satterlee
Read the Foreword and the Preface to the book
Read the article “Holy and Active Listening” by Craig A. Satterlee
The Church of All Ages: Generations Worshiping Together edited by Howard A. Vanderwell
Read the Foreword and the Preface to the book
Preaching Ethically: Being True to the Gospel, Your Congregation, and Yourself by Ronald D. Sisk
Read the Preface to the book
Read the article “A Time to Every Purpose: Competent Time Management” by Ronald D. Sisk
Choosing the Kingdom: Missional Preaching for the Household of God by John A. Dally
Read the Introduction to the book
Stepping Forward: Synagogue Visioning and Planning by Robert Leventhal
Read an excerpt from the Introduction to the book
Read the articles “Defining the Role of the Executive Committee” and “Reimagining the Rabbi-Lay Leader Partnership” by Robert Leventhal