We have redesigned Alban’s Web site to keep it timely, fresh, and relevant. On the new site you will find regularly updated and enhanced content on key issues of congregational life as well as information about Alban, our offerings, and our ongoing work. We hope that the new site will be a place where you can engage in the wider conversation about congregational life and leadership.
About the Design
As you explore the site, you’ll notice that we’ve made it easier to find articles, books, and seminars. Plus, each day on our home page you’ll see what’s new in our bookstore, new Alban stories about the people and congregations we touch, what’s on the front burner at Alban, and information about upcoming learning events. All sections of the Web site will be at your fingertips in our site’s top navigation bar.
Here is an overview of our main categories:
The Conversation
In the Conversation section, you’ll find articles from Congregations magazine and our Alban Weekly electronic newsletter, as well as articles written exclusively for the Web site. Be sure to check out Congregation Watch, where we keep track of the news and opinions from various denominations, religious news outlets, and bloggers. Many (about half) of the articles in the Conversation are available to Alban members only. For the best user experience, please log in upon arrival at the Web Site.
The Bookstore
In our bookstore you can still purchase all of the books, videos, and digital downloads Alban offers. In the new Web site, we’ve also included more information about our books and authors, and we’ve added a search function that makes it easier than ever to find the resources you need.
Learn and Lead
Learn about our education programs, consulting services, and research projects and strengthen your leadership capacity in the Learn and Lead section. You can search for upcoming Alban leadership enrichment seminars, learn more about our team of consultants and the services they offer, and see what projects we are working on.
Connect With Alban
You can connect with Alban in a variety of ways—by becoming a member, making a donation, or reading up on our recent accomplishments.
Give Us Your Feedback
We would love to hear from you about what you think of our changes. If you would like to give us some feedback, please click here to take survey. Or e-mail webmaster@alban.org.
www.congregationalresources.org: A Guide to Resources for Building Congregational Vitality edited by Richard Bass
As a companion to the groundbreaking Congregational Resource Guide, an online resource produced by the Alban Institute and the Indianapolis Center for Congregations, this book is an invaluable resource for congregational leaders. It puts the rich array of important congregational resources into context by examining the key books, organizations, Web sites, and people that will help leaders gain an understanding of important issues facing their faith communities.
40 Days and 40 Bytes: Making Computers Work for Your Congregation by Aaron Spiegel, Nancy Armstrong, Brent Bill
Authors Spiegel, Armstrong, and Bill observe that “too often we blindly accept and use technology without asking the big questions—questions like, is it appropriate to our mission and ministry?” 40 Days and 40 Bytes will help your congregation explore technology so you can decide, from a ministry and culture standpoint, what you need to do. The goal: godly service—not technological glitz.