Emerging Models of Governance


IN FOCUS: A Congregation of Mystics
Rev. Graham Standish, author of Becoming a Blessed Church, explores how congregations can transform themselves by honoring the mystical in their midst

Leading from the Bottom Up
Pastor and consultant Howard E. Friend demonstrates how churches can streamline their bureaucracies while revitalizing and expanding their programs and lay ministries

The Synagogue Leadership Agenda
Alban senior consultant Bob Leventhal reveals 12 guiding principles he has found most helpful for cultivating effective synagogue leadership

Calling all the Baptized
Professor Sheryl A. Kujawa-Holbrook explores how several New England and Michigan churches are experimenting with innovative governance structures that call forth and support members’s ministries

Learning from Nonprofits*
Alban senior consultant Dan Hotchkiss demonstrates how churches can use Policy Governance, John Carver’s board model for the secular world, to transform their own boards into “big picture” visionaries


Entering The Twilight Zone
Rev. Matthew Linden describes the trust and boundary rebuilding work an after-pastor must undertake in a church where clergy misconduct has occurred


Alban Institute president James P. Wind shares the enlivening power of exploring literature with other leaders

ASK ALBAN Alban Institute consultant Patricia Hayes suggests a wide variety of ways a congregation can increase its pool of lay leaders