In an earlier Weekly, Barbara Day Miller outlined the POWR model for worship planning . Here, she addresses how pastors can help implement—and benefit from—this new process.    

Susan and Richard were engaged in conversation at the local ministers’ meeting. They both served midsize congregations, “good appointments” in the parlance of their denomination. Both churches were thriving; they were involved in community outreach, had ministries involving multiple generations, and were known for vibrant worship. In their conversation, Richard mentioned his de­sire to put a worship planning team in place. He had been carrying most of the weight of planning along with the music director, and they were running out of substantive ideas. “I’ve been doing it all,” he said. “I need to expand my own vision for worship at Cov­enant Church.”  

Susan told him about putting the POWR model in place at her church. She was realistic: establishing the model had required a good deal of time at the outset—organizing, recruit­ing, and training members of the planning teams. But through the process, she had gained confidence in her own authority and had learned to trust the work of the people. She said, “I am energized by the process. Each planning session brings new insights into the preaching texts, new ideas for expressing the themes of the day, and new knowledge of the people I am called to lead.”   

If you are a pastor, you may see some of your desires and concerns expressed in this dialogue. Whatever your denomination or faith community, you are called, set aside, and ordained in min­istry to teach and preach the Word, bring others to Christ, admin­ister the sacraments, and order the life of the congregation. Within that sacred trust, the conversational model is a call to a more col­laborative style of worship planning and leadership, a new way of ordering the worship life of the assembly.   

This model of planning does not eliminate the pastor’s voice, wisdom, or responsibility. The pastor’s leadership is essential. The model does challenge both pastor and people to communicate more clearly, to question more profoundly, and to listen more intently as the Spirit of God speaks to and through the people. This method assists the pastor in the tasks of Word, sacrament, and order for which the pastor is ordained.    

If you have been used to “doing it all,” and if the people have started expecting you to do so, it is essential that you bring the laypeople, musicians, and other leaders into the conversation as partners. In­troducing a new worship planning practice carries some risk. One pastor wrote, “At first the members did not seem very interested in participating. They said, ‘worship is fine the way it is’ or, ‘planning is your job, Pastor.’” If you encounter some resistance, follow the lead of another pastor, who says, “If someone asked my advice, I would start by telling that person to know the congregation. In most churches, I suspect the model would have to be introduced slowly, say a few services or a season at a time. Find four to seven people and structure a planning conversation in which they can participate.” The success of an initial conversation, a taste of this “new thing,” can go a long way in building the confidence of pas­tor and the people.    

The conversational model of worship planning is based on the belief that the Spirit works in and through our speaking and attentive listening. Our conver­sation in planning and preparing to worship can be a deep and revealing encounter with the Holy. The pastoral musician is a partner in this holy work. Often musicians and pastors are not at odds, but are simply on parallel tracks. By the very nature of their ministries, they use different media and language to draw meaning from word and speech, text and music. But both are passionate about their callings and are committed to excellence in the wor­ship of God.   

Working together, you, the pastoral musician, and the mem­bers of the planning team will discover a common joy in explor­ing the Scripture texts. You will be surprised by new ideas gener­ated in conversation with those who think differently than you do. You will gain insights into the spirit (and the spiritual life) of the congregation. You will feed your own hungers as you engage in meaningful conversation about the central things of our life and faith. You will hear people’s life stories told in relation to the bibli­cal stories. You will listen to stories from the “edges” of the con­gregation—stories from the world outside the church walls where people are in ministry in their daily work.     

Introducing a new worship planning process requires significant time and energy. But doing so can have multiple benefits for the pastor and the pastor’s ministry.   

1. Your preaching will be enriched. If you are already in a lec­tionary study group, you know the value of discussing the lec­tionary texts with colleagues. Likewise, the planning team con­versations will uncover questions about the central things of your own life and faith as well as the people’s. You will see new de­tails in the Scripture readings; you will learn new hymns; you will gain new insights into the minds and hearts of your parishioners. The sermons you preach will draw on and perhaps elaborate all these discoveries.    

2. You will be more accountable for the work of preaching and leading worship. Scott, the senior pastor of a large church, says, “This practice makes me better prepared. It keeps me disciplined. I cannot wait until Saturday to put a sermon together, hoping the music director has either chosen some songs that will connect with the message or can be flexible on the spot. I know that when our planning team meets, members depend on me to be prepared and to lead them in the study of the scriptural texts.”   

3. You will have more time to prepare. That sounds contradic­tory, since we just mentioned the amount of time required to initi­ate and organize the process. But once the teams are in place, you will learn to trust those who complete the planning and ordering, the training and rehearsing. You can let go of the details and focus on preparation for the work to which you are called.   

4. You will be supported in your work of preparing for worship. Because you have shared the preaching texts with the planners, have used the texts in Bible study, or have published the lectionary listings on the church’s website, members of the congregation can be reading and praying those same texts during the week. As you are prayerfully writing the sermon or outlining the prayers of in­tercession, you will realize that you are upheld by members of the congregation who are themselves students of the Word.    

5. You will be more effective in teaching . Many pastors use Bible study classes or other teaching opportunities to discuss the upcoming preaching texts. The planning conversations will gener­ate interest in additional study about worship: the themes of the Christian year, the sacraments, or your liturgical heritage; and, in turn, your teaching on these subjects will relate directly to the wor­ship planning. Jan, the pastor of a small congregation, says, “It’s the one thing we don’t talk about enough: Why do we . . . stand for the Gospel, exchange the peace? I want them to do more than participate in the tradition. I want them to know the tradition.”   

6. You will be a better worshiper. Others are in leadership with you; you can trust their preparation as you trust your own. You are gathered with the people in the presence of God.   


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Adapted from Encounters with the Holy: A Conversational Model for Worship Planning  by Barbara Day Miller . Copyright © 2011 by the Alban Institute. All rights reserved. 



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