If you had access to a roomful of leaders of large congregations from various denominations and geographic locations, what questions would you pose to learn more about the large church?
That was Alban’s challenge—and opportunity—during a recent research event it sponsored for large-church leaders. Here are a few of the learnings that emerged from that gathering:
What assets do large churches have?
- Critical mass.
- Space to experiment.
- Places and programs within the church about which people feel good.
- Ability to offer multiple entry points.
- Culture of creativity.
- Visible sign by size and activity that church matters.
- Big tent, which can accommodate diverse groups.
- Ability to develop “signature” ministries.
- Opportunity to be on the cutting edges of ministry (i.e., technology).
- Selective participation by members; ability to choose level of involvement.
- Larger staffs, often with more specific areas of focus.
- Community influence and connections; ability to bring about change.
- Variety of worship and music.
- Ability to live with ambiguity and tension.
- Softer boundaries; possibility of anonymity.
- More diverse resources, including greater financial resources.
- Larger number of people, resulting in variety of gifts and skills.
- Larger facilities, which make a visual impact in the community and allow the hosting of various events.
- Variety of choices and interest groups.
With what do large churches struggle?
- Identity.
- Relationship to denomination.
- Constant pressure and expectation of quality.
- Clarity about roles, authority, and accountability.
- Overcoming negative stereotypes (i.e., arrogant).
- Not being wide and shallow.
- Organization and structure; bureaucracy and administration; complex management.
- Growth; how large to become.
- Ministry that relies too much on the “professionals.”
- Finances and stewardship.
- Difficult to assimilate people; hard to get to know people.
- Finding staff equipped to deal with a large church.
- Systemic: any change you make affects the entire system.
- Keeping up with members; pastoral care and contact.
- Being in cooperative situations with other congregations.
- Personnel costs versus outreach/missions spending.
- Lack of lay involvement.
- Always revising “product line.”
- Parking.
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