Jim Harnish finds the grace of ordinary times in ministry.
Read MoreCelebrating the Graying Church: Mutual Ministry Today, Legacies Tomorrow
Today, many churches and their related agencies and ministries are shrinking. Often a large portion of those who remain are older adults. Celebrating the Graying Church suggests that this is an opportunity for a new and different kind of ministry—a ministry to,…
Read MoreThird Culture Faithful: Empowered Ministry for Multi-ethnic Believers and Congregations
“It is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian America is eleven o’clock on Sunday morning.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1960. This quote remains true and begs the question “How do we heal the church divide?” Mario…
Read MoreThe Jubilee Years: Embracing Clergy Retirement
Bruce Epperly invites us to imagine a new way of seeing retirement — as a season of fulfillment and service.
Read MoreReclaiming Rural: Building Thriving Rural Congregations
Allen Stanton acknowledges the many challenges facing rural congregations — but also offers a hopeful vision for their futures.
Read MoreBruce Epperly: The Jubilee Years
What if we rethink retirement by imagining the time as “the jubilee years”?
Read MoreSam Wells: ‘At the Heart, On the Edge’
The vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields in London describes a visionary network for the renewal of church and society
Read MoreAllen Stanton: What churches can learn from higher education
A year ago, I made the jump from pastoring a local church to running a center at a small denominationally-affiliated college. While I was well-versed in the conversations around church vitality, the world of higher education has been relatively new…
Read MoreMark Edington: A vision for bivocational ministry
An Episcopal priest and author offers a different way of understanding bivocational ministry
Read MoreTributes to Loren B. Mead
Dan Hotchkiss | Rolf Janke | Speed Leas | Alice Mann | Roy Oswald | Sam Rodman | Barbara Wheeler | James Wind As the era of rapid church growth wound down at the end of the 1960s, Loren Mead was one…
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